No One Wants to Write an Elegy – Ridwan Badamasi.

No One Wants to Write an Elegy The disposition of the gravelike an openmouth.Cut is the stalkthat might have grown fullystraight. We trampledew-wet grasses finely latticed with day-oldspider webs. No onewants to write an elegy.The cruelty of sweet-smellingearth, the wet thump as it splashesoff the shovels. And already there is nothing left to see. As

No One Wants to Write an Elegy – Ridwan Badamasi. Read More »

i redeem their emptiness with food – Ismail Yusuf Olumoh.

i redeem their emptiness with food i. God indoctrinated me a lesson in the afternoon:             solve, b + h – w =?               that is, boy + hunger… – water =? interpretation:             a bridge; underneath, the sleeping boy    unlearned the colour             of his skin     or hometown & slept       winter’s blanket a faucet:

i redeem their emptiness with food – Ismail Yusuf Olumoh. Read More »

Riddles of a Lost Boy. – Asíwájú Babatimehin

Riddles of a Lost Boy I am something— wandering  is my native heirloom. my ancestors,               shifting lands &  shape-shifting tongues.    all oduduwa’s milk & honey not sufficing to quench their thirst                                                                                                         for new land.       the result:       a minor(ity) problem.  a leaf has fallen                 

Riddles of a Lost Boy. – Asíwájú Babatimehin Read More »

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